We’ve compiled some of the frequently asked questions some new and prospective homeowners have about our community and our homeowners’ association. Here are some:
1. What Is a Homeowners Association (HOA)?
This is an organization that deals with the upkeep of the neighborhood’s common areas and uphold standards that are acceptable behavior for a community. Usually, HOAs are run by a board of directors.
2. Why Do We Have Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R)?
That’s because these are the guidelines as to how the HOA is supposed to operate. These are usually recorded by the county recorder’s office and included in your property’s title.
3. When Do I Become a Part of the Homeowners Association?
When you purchase a property in Myers Meadow, you are already a part of our association.
4. What Are the Duties of a Homeowners Association?
Maintaining common property may include the following:
- Mowing the grass
- Repaving the street
- Shoveling snow
- Trash collection
- Water and sewer service
- Cleaning up dead leaves
- And more
5. How Can I Purchase a Home in Myers Meadow?
First, you can join one of our open house sessions to know what home for sale will be suitable for you and your family. Then, you can discuss your plans with our representatives, and they will give you the guidelines on how you can go about your home purchase.
6. What if I have a problem with my home and it is in the interior structure?
Myers Meadow Board of Directors handles the common area issues for the community, for interior issues you will need to contact the home builder if you are within your warranty period.
7. How do I know what is allowed within the community such as basketball goals, satellite dishes, fences, pools, and hot tubs?
There are covenants and restrictions that were given to homeowners at closing that they can use for reference to see what the community will allow. If they do not have these documents they can contact the title company or closing representatives for a copy, if Myers Meadow HOA has to make copies for a homeowner there is a $25.00 fee for this service, every homeowner is entitled to a copy of these documents. The covenants can also be viewed on the property website for convenience.
8. If I want to make changes, additions, or improvements to my lot what process do I need to follow?
You need to submit an Architectural Request Form (ACC) from Myers Meadow HOA which can be downloaded from the website or mailed to you, also a plot plan needs to be included with it marked where the changes will be on the lot, a contractors estimate needs to be submitted as well. After these documents are sent to Board of Directors have 30 days to process the request and a letter will be sent to the homeowner with the status of the request.
9. What if I have a complaint about another homeowner who is not in compliance with the covenants and restrictions for my community?
You can contact Board of Directors to express your concern, they do a rotation schedule of property inspections and at that time they can address the issue to solve it quickly.
10. What if I have a problem with loud neighbors, or animals not on a leash or extreme concerns that require immediate attention?
We suggest that in circumstances that require emergency assistance that homeowners use their right to be safe and call the proper authorities in extreme cases, for instance, if a dog is running loose in a community animal control needs to be contacted.
Do you have any further questions about Myers Meadow Homeowners Association? Feel free to get in touch with us today to learn more.